An attempt to realize a dream, fulfill the potential or create something new always carries a certain risk. Sometimes we risk only our time and energy. But often, when it comes to financial goals, much more is at stake: money, property, family well-being.
The risk scares you, making you feel nervous, it often becomes the reason for giving up on the intended goal. Most people prefer to do nothing so as not to lose anything. The problem is that it is impossible to achieve anything in such a way.
A person must understand that risk is the inevitable companion of any undertaking, and the grander your plan, the higher the risk.
There is nothing tragic about this. The key thing is to remember that the risk should be:
a) calculated;
b) justified.
Calculated risk
Any new venture is always a step into the unknown, like a trip to the wild. Before the trip, you need to read the map to study the route in advance and find out in what places the danger can await you.
You may hit the edge of the ravine somewhere, so you need to wear sensible shoes with an appropriate sole that will not allow you to slip off the smooth rocks.
At some point you may end up fording a river, so the things should be packed in such a way that nothing is soaked.
The risks that you know about and are prepared to deal with are calculated risks.
Justified risk
When you have identified possible dangers and obstacles that may stand in your way, you should ask yourself a question: “Is my ultimate goal worth suffering such ordeals?”
Perhaps, having considered all the risks, you will look at your goal differently. It may seem less appealing to you, making you realize that it would be better to devote your efforts to something else.
But it can happen the other way around: you may see that your goal is quite attainable and not so far away.
If you answer the question in the affirmative — take action without delay because the risk is justified.
A tool that will help you
Risk assessment is not an easy task; it requires concentration and a well-considered analysis.
The Global IndiaGold online platform suggests using a special Success Framework Workbook tool. It helps to focus attention and utilize all intellectual resources to find optimal solutions.
Workbook allows looking at the task that you will have to solve from a different perspective. The tool will help predict possible scenarios. You will understand what difficulties can be encountered along the way and how to deal with them effectively.
Finally, you will be able to answer the main question: “Is this goal worth my efforts?”
If the answer is “yes”, you can start drawing up an action plan. The tool of the Global IndiaGold online platform will also help you out in this endeavor.
Don’t take risks without a goal! You will calculate all the risks and will surely solve the task if you use a smart assistant — Success Framework Workbook!