Make peace with yourself!
Have you ever found yourself in situations where, despite your desire and great effort, you still can’t succeed? It’s as if an invisible force is holding you back and blocking all your efforts. Psychologists believe that the source of this invisible force is your own subconscious. The fact is, conscious thinking occupies only a small part of our brain’s activity, and although we don’t notice it, our behavior is largely controlled by the unconscious, which can create barriers on the path to achieving our goals.
How can this manifest itself?
1. Procrastination
According to psychological studies, about a quarter of adults tend to put things off until the last minute.
People may put off tasks if they find them unpleasant, too boring or difficult. Only the pressure of a looming deadline forces them to focus and resolve the issue in a rush.
Sometimes, people procrastinate on tasks that seem deceptively simple at first glance. In any case, mistakes in setting priorities and managing time hinder success.
2. Fear of the new
Fear can cause people to miss out on many opportunities that could significantly improve their life. Statistics show that about a third of adults experience this type of anxiety, with older adults being more prone to it.
This could be fear of new knowledge, ideas or ways of thinking that might offer easier and more effective solutions to existing challenges, or fear of advanced technologies like robots and artificial intelligence.
Another form of this anxiety is fear of socializing and networking. This can prevent individuals from integrating into a team, establishing business contacts, and overall, working effectively in fields that require constant interaction with people.
3. Perfectionism
The aspiration to perform any task responsibly and thoroughly is a positive quality. Yet sometimes perfectionism can create difficulties. For example, it can lead to significant delays in decision-making, resulting in missed deadlines and incomplete tasks.
But what should be done?
Here are some tips:
Caught yourself thinking “I can’t do it”? Replace it with “I can give it a try”.
Focus on moving forward, even if you take small steps. Don’t wait for perfect conditions.
When feeling anxious or overwhelmed, try to complete at least a small part of the task. Even a seemingly minor action can help you escape the “trap” of self-sabotage.
Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small they are. Recognizing your own success strengthens self-confidence.
Deal with your internal barriers, work on yourself and achieve the goals set. Having become a successful person, you will be able to set an example for others, inspire and motivate them to new achievements. Read more about how to do this in the following article: The art of inspiration: 6 practical tips