This article is part of a series of publications on Global IndiaGold new product lines. More information here.
Business is like the ancient Indian game of chess — it is necessary to calculate all moves in advance, envisage various scenarios, be ready for surprises and be able to react in a timely manner. In this game, the winner is the one who has a developed and flexible intellect.
The key to excellence
Today, an entrepreneur has access to a wide range of materials that teach how to properly conduct business, communicate with people and plan one’s own activities. Shelves in stores are packed with books on this topic, and the Internet is full of relevant articles, videos and online courses.
Most of them contain a simple set of general theoretical knowledge. Figuratively speaking, you are invited to master the game of chess without playing it, but only by familiarizing yourself with the rules. Knowing the rules will not make you a master chess player. Only in the process of playing, by trial and error, will you learn to concentrate and predict further events. Your intellect will acquire the necessary properties in order to act skillfully, confidently and efficiently.
Technologies for efficient thinking
We want Global IndiaGold Direct Sellers to be true champions in business and always achieve their goals. Launching the “Intellect” line of products, we want to give you something that will help you develop a successful person’s thinking style. This is not just information that can be read and forgotten the next day. These are tools for practical application in your daily activities. You are most likely already familiar with one of them.
Success Framework Workbook
Specially for you, we have acquired the rights to distribute this groundbreaking methodology in India. The proven intellect enhancement technology is now available to you.
With the help of the Workbook tool, you will:
start thinking like an experienced entrepreneur, noticing important details and generating new ideas;
learn to make the right decisions and find a way out of difficult situations;
start seeing new opportunities around you, not endless obstacles;
be able to confidently communicate with clients, convince and prove your point of view.
Intellect is a diamond that needs to be cut and polished.
The harder you work on it, the brighter it will shine!