Being tired of a hopeless routine, many people dream of changing everything and starting a new life one day. Unfortunately, their dreams, desires and plans often face an insurmountable obstacle, namely fear. Many brilliant ideas fail to materialize because of fear. But can one benefit from this phenomenon?
Nature of fear
Imagine you are planning to run your own business. An inner voice starts to whisper: “You do not have enough knowledge and experience. You risk losing the invested money and ending up penniless. Your loved ones will not support you.” You picture your future failure in your mind, self-doubt grows, and so you decide to give up on the project.
Now let’s analyze what your fear really says. It only performs its natural function: it warns you of possible dangers and problems. It neither urges you to do anything nor discourages you from stopping. It is you who convinces yourself that nothing will come of it, because you have perceived the signals as inevitable. So therein lies a fundamental mistake.
Call for caution
Fear is a warning sign that says: “Attention! Danger ahead!” It reports a threat, but there is no reason for you to stop moving forward. You would not stop if you saw the “dangerous turn” sign on the highway while driving a car. You would simply slow down and remain extra careful.
In this way, fear calls for acting wisely, taking into account all possible risks. If you realize that you are afraid of something, it is necessary to take measures to avoid a dangerous situation without deviating from the intended course.
Fearless movement towards the goal
A special tool for planning your future — Success Framework Workbook — will help you assess warnings correctly, understand the risks they point to, and find ways to bypass obstacles.
With its help, you will examine every aspect of your goal and separate real risks from far-fetched ones. It will become clear to you where the obstacles that block your way may appear and how to overcome them as efficiently as possible.
Success Framework Workbook facilitates a change in mindset, forming a new outlook on the surrounding world. Instead of endless threats, you will find new opportunities.
Don’t let fear manipulate you!
Make fear serve your purpose with Success Framework Workbook!