How long does it take for someone to come up with a great idea?
Sometimes a few minutes or even seconds are enough. An idea can come to one’s mind if favorable conditions are created for it: all distractions are eliminated, you keep yourself focused and try to find clues in the surrounding world.
Let us recall the story that happened to the famous ancient Greek scientist Archimedes. The Syracuse king Hieron II suspected his jeweler had made the crown not of pure gold. The king instructed Archimedes to expose the deception. The scientist had been looking for a solution for a long time and one day, while taking a bath, he noticed how the water, displaced by his body, poured out onto the floor. Archimedes was so happy that, according to the legend, he jumped out of the tub and ran naked through the city streets shouting: “Eureka!” (In Greek: “I have found [it]!”)
Later on, Archimedes put the royal crown and a gold bar of the same weight into the water. The crown displaced more water. This was a proof that silver was added to the crown. The discovery of the scientist made it possible to formulate a law of physics, which is now called the Archimedes’ principle.
An eye-opening moment
Modern people are accustomed to being distracted by many trifles; streams of information, often irrelevant, are constantly consumed by them. A whirlwind of thoughts is constantly spinning in their heads, none of which can be properly grasped. People have forgotten how useful it can be to move away from the surrounding bustle and focus the mind on solving a single problem.
Sometimes a minute of peace and deep concentration is worth much more than a week spent on useless action. It is at such moments when great ideas are born, and one wants to exclaim: “Eureka!”
Idea generation assistant
Success Framework Workbook, which will help you divert attention from intrusive thoughts and focus on the most important thing, namely the achievement of your goal, is available on the Global IndiaGold online platform. And wherever you find inspiration, you will not miss your idea, because Success Framework Workbook will always be with you!
A special psychological methodology will direct your thinking to find effective ways to achieve the desired result. You will be so deeply immersed in the analysis of your goal that you will be surprised at the discoveries made and the solutions found.
Generate brilliant ideas with Success Framework Workbook!