Some people can't break the deadlock, while others move on and realize their dreams. Why does it happen like that?
Much depends on the person’s attitude towards the difficulties he/she faces. A research conducted by TalentSmart showed that 90% of successful people stay calm no matter the situation. In this way, they can overcome obstacles effectively.
We learn from the experience of famous people how to bypass the five main obstacles to success.
1. Lack of a plan
You wake up in the morning not knowing what you will do today and how your day will go. As a result, you either do nothing or act spontaneously, doing reckless things. All this can be avoided if there is a clear plan.
Think: what do you want to achieve today? What options do you have? What results do you want to see in the evening? By answering these questions, you will immediately understand what needs to be done.
By determining what is important to you today, you will know what to do tomorrow.
Gradually, you will plan out your actions for the years ahead, all you have to do is to stick to your plan.
Make adjustments to your plan. This is absolutely normal, meaning that you control the situation and make informed decisions.
2. Postponing things until later
"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work."
Stephen King, American writer
The tendency to put off important things until later is called procrastination. A simple yet effective technique helps to get rid of it. You get down to business, challenging yourself to work for 10 minutes. In a few minutes you become immersed in the process and you cannot stop until you finish what you started.
Do not rush to take up the most ambitious and complex tasks if they frighten you. Start with something simple and less important. You will actually enjoy the process and develop a fighting spirit to solve more important tasks.
Note: unfinished business tend to become a burden. If you have not done something today, then tomorrow you will have twice as many tasks, all of which must be done sooner rather than later, so why not start today?
3. High expectations
"The mistake is made by one who does not take into account personal capabilities and strives to conquer at any cost."
Niccolò Machiavelli, Italian philosopher and politician
People dream about myriads of things: fly to Mars, become a movie star, earn billions... Dreams help us live, dreams inspire and develop imagination. But if a surreal, unattainable dream turns into a goal — it can hinder your success.
Strive to achieve what you really need and what you truly believe in. Ignore the thoughts about the future, focus on the current challenges.
This does not mean that you do not need to set high goals. It means that a sober assessment of the situation, personal resources and capabilities can help you avoid disappointment.
4. Self-doubt
"Do not let self-doubt ruin all the best moments in your life."
Nicolas Cage, American actor
"I can’t... This is not for me... It won’t work..." Similar thoughts are like chains, constraining people and preventing them from taking action.
Sometimes you need to put your doubts to rest and take the first step. Only in this way you will know what you really can do. Moreover, you will understand that everything is not as hard as it seemed, and any task can be solved.
Recall your previous achievements and regard them as proof of your talents. Think of failures and regard them as a rewarding experience. After that, go ahead and take the leap. Remember that you are not alone, you will be supported by a team of like-minded individuals.
5. Lack of motivation
"When it is hard for me, I always remind myself that if I give up, it will not be better."
Mike Tyson, American boxer
Sometimes there is neither strength nor desire to move on and realize plans. A person becomes apathetic and leaves the task half-done.
To prevent such a situation from happening, answer the following questions: "Why am I doing this? What benefits will it bring me?" Find as many arguments as you can. Jot them down so you can re-read everything at any time.
Then think what happens if you quit? What will you lose? What opportunities will you miss out?
The answers will become a source of motivation, convincing you to take action.
All the aforementioned recommendations are much easier to apply if you are fully aware of your capabilities, competences and internal potential.