Let us introduce you two men — Samir and Arnav. Decide without hesitation who you like more.
Samir is smart, hardworking, quick-tempered, rude, stubborn, envious. Arnav, on the other hand, is quick-tempered, rude, stubborn, envious, smart, hardworking. Whom would you rather work with?
According to statistics, most people choose Samir over Arnav, even though the descriptions of both men are exactly the same, but their traits are listed in a different order. The brain reacts more strongly to the first words read and remembers that Samir is smart and hardworking. Arnav, on the other hand, is quick-tempered and rude.
This is how the first impression — an important factor in relationships between people — manifests itself.
Appearance is key
The first impression is formed within 2-7 seconds and after that practically does not change. You meet a person and shake his/her hand, you have not started a conversation yet, but that person already forms a definite opinion about you, an opinion that is mostly based on what he/she sees.
Psychologists have found that 50% of first impressions depend on appearance, 30% — on how one speaks, and only 20% — on what one says.
If a person likes your appearance, then he/she subconsciously identifies it with your inner world and character traits. Someone who looks attractive generates greater confidence and a desire to cooperate.
Experienced entrepreneurs are aware of this psychological phenomenon and have successfully applied it in business. They do their best to charm the client at a business meeting from the very first second. Therefore, special attention is paid to the style of clothing and the choice of accessories.
You can maximize the impact
We want our Direct Sellers to make the best first impression possible. Therefore, Global IndiaGold has funded the development of the branded business accessories of the highest quality.
You can assess the results of our work by purchasing exclusive kits in the online store:
The contents of these kits will help you create a memorable image of an entrepreneur with whom doing business is a genuine pleasure.
In addition to the aesthetic benefits, all the kits have one more advantage. When you purchase the kit, you get access to the marketing program and the opportunity to build your business with Global IndiaGold.
Remember — when you meet someone, the first seconds matter a lot!
Use them as productively as possible — fascinate clients with your style and elegance!