Sometimes the most daring and unexpected ideas are the most successful. And afterwards people who were initially thought to be insane suddenly gain fame and become role models.
Nobody believed in them...
The namesakes Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal were employees of the Indian division of Amazon. Young people who have recently graduated from university had high-paid jobs in a world famous company. It would seem, what else can one dream of? But the guys were not satisfied with the prospect of working for someone all their lives. They wanted to have their own business.
In 2007, Sachin and Binny made the fateful decision to leave Amazon and create their own online bookstore. Their relatives and acquaintances were shocked by this decision and believed that the guys just went mad. Both young men came from families that had nothing to do with business. Usually in India it is extremely difficult for such people to become big entrepreneurs. Investors were confident that the venture would fail, and rejected offers of cooperation.
“We were discouraged from running a business. No one understood why we were giving up prestigious jobs,” recalls Binny. “We had a good job. But also we had a dream,”
Sachin adds.
... but they didn't listen to anyone ...
Having received no support, the partners began developing an online store, Flipkart. They had to run their business in an ordinary room with two computers. With great difficulty friends managed to convince distributors and booksellers of the viability of their project.
Only six months later, the store began to bring first profit. With the proceeds, entrepreneurs hired staff and rented an office. For a long time they had to spend personal savings and money borrowed from their parents.
...and they were right!
Despite the difficulties, the company grew and developed. The sales volume has been increasing continuously. Flipkart has acquired reputation of a resource where you can find any book.
In 2009, the company finally caught the attention of investors, and millions of dollars began to be invested in it. By 2017, Flipkart already owned 39.5% of e-commerce market of India. What started out as a humble bookstore has grown into a business giant in just 10 years, competing successfully with Amazon.
Today Flipkart's product range is very diverse. You can buy almost everything here — from shoes to mobile phones. The company is valued at approximately $25 billion.
Why did they succeed?
Three factors can be distinguished on which the success of Sachin and Binny Bansal is based:
1. Courage in making non-standard decisions.
These young people knew exactly what they wanted from life. They saw a clear goal in front of them and moved towards it, in spite of the fact that their decisions seemed controversial to most people.
2. Ability not to succumb to other people's influence.
Misunderstanding and criticism from others would have stopped many people. Except those who are confident in their abilities and their ideas.
3. Analysis of the current situation and forecasting the future.
While conceiving their project, the partners foresaw that the number of Internet users in India would grow in the coming years, and therefore the number of online purchases would grow, too. They were not chasing short-term profits, but were building a long-term business taking into account the growing trends.
This is not a gift or an ability available only to a select few. This is the clearest example of systematic thinking that anyone can learn. And this is where the Success Framework Workbook comes to the rescue — a tool for intellectual self-improvement.
Global IndiaGold acquired the rights to sell the Workbook to help our clients feel confident in their own strengths and realize their most incredible ideas. We are convinced that there are many people among you who, like Sachin and Binny, aspire for higher goals. Why play at random when you can use tried and tested and globally recognized methods? Make the Workbook your companion on the path to great achievements.
Some things seem impossible only while you think about them like this!
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