Let’s say there are two sole traders: Kanan and Raghav.
Kanan is a great professional who has read many books and completed many courses. Yet for some reason, he fails to develop relationships with clients. Oftentimes people do not want to make contact with him and try to distance themselves from him as soon as possible.
Raghav is not as experienced and knowledgeable as Kanan, but clients are drawn to him like a magnet. From the first minutes of meeting, Raghav wins people over, inspires them with confidence and a desire to continue business relations.
What is the fundamental difference between these businessmen? It’s simple: Raghav evokes likability, but Kanan does not. Raghav’s positive attitude, his manner of speaking and dressing impress people. The ability to please people is a decisive success factor in business.
The power of likability
An interesting study by Tiziana Cascario and Miguel Sousa Lobo was published in the popular science magazine Harvard Business Review. The results of surveys conducted in various companies have shown that people are more willing to cooperate with those who seem likeable to them, and not with those who know more.
The authors state: “We found that if someone is strongly disliked, it’s almost irrelevant whether or not he/she is competent; people won’t want to work with him/her anyway. By contrast, if someone is liked, his/her colleagues will seek out every little bit of competence he/she has to offer.”
However, the most successful and popular one will be a lovable star — a person who evokes likability and at the same time has a high level of professionalism.
Earn a reputation as a lovable star
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Be the one who surprises, impresses, inspires, evokes sincere likability!
And then success will not be long in coming!