In the modern world, time flies. One must manage to use all the opportunities before the turbulent flow of time takes them away.
An entrepreneur has to make every hour and minute count. The need to keep track of time is the norm for everyone engaged in serious business. Therefore, wristwatch has become a loyal companion of the entrepreneur. Wristwatches not only help a person to be punctual, but also create a respectable image.
Looking back at history
The first record of wristwatches dates back to 1571. They were presented as a gift to Queen Elizabeth I of England; the item was equipped with a luxurious bracelet with precious stones. From that moment on, many women began wearing watches on their wrists.
In the photo: an antique women’s wristwatch.
Men became interested in such devices much later, namely in the 19th century. The soldiers found it inconvenient to use pocket watches during military operations. Therefore, they started attaching leather straps to watches and wearing them on their hands. Soon, the convenience of this method was appreciated by everyone, and the wristwatch became a universal accessory.
An important image component
There is a misconception that wristwatches are a relic of the past, given that today smartphones perform their function. However, a smartphone, even a very expensive one, is not a business accessory, since it fails to demonstrate your sense of style and sophisticated taste.
Finely designed wristwatches stand out among uniform electronic gadgets. Hardly anyone will pay attention to your smartphone unless it is encrusted with diamonds. Yet the elegant watch on your wrist will be noticed and appreciated.
An exclusive offer for you
Psychologists have long figured out that a wristwatch can tell a lot about its owner. For example, a metal bracelet speaks of strength of character and self-confidence, and a golden hue symbolizes success and commitment to high goals.
This is the combination we have chosen for the Global IndiaGold branded watches for men and women. As a result, accessories that have become one of the key components of the
There is no need to talk about your status and welfare!
The watch on your wrist will do it for you!