You barely managed to wake up, your mood is worse than ever, you don’t want to do anything, thoughts about work make you tremble and bring you down...
A situation familiar to many of us. Sometimes it can be very difficult to commit yourself to work and force yourself to start developing business.
We’ve compiled six helpful tips to help you overcome apathy, become motivated and get down to business!
1. Idle for 10-20 minutes
Try to do without a smartphone, TV, phone for a while — don’t communicate with anyone, don’t do anything at all.
It will soon bore you so much that you feel the need to take action.
2. Use your imagination
Now use your imagination and picture that you have already completed the difficult task and have gotten the result. Imagine in as much detail as possible what you’ve felt in that regard, what the result of your work has been, how the surroundings have evaluated it.
Are you pleased with the result? Do you feel the joy that you have achieved the next milestone? Do you want to experience it all in reality, not in dreams? Then get down to business right away! It is much better to experience the joy of victory in real life rather than in dreams.
3. Make a decision to work for at least half an hour
Convincing yourself to work for only 30 minutes is not difficult at all. Yet it is highly likely that during this time you will throw yourself into work and will no longer be able to stop until you finish the task you started.
4. Assign yourself a reward
Figure out how to reward yourself for the task you completed successfully. For example: if I manage to realize my plans within a certain time frame, then I will eat my favorite cake, go for a pleasant walk, devote an hour to video games — choose what you like best and generously reward yourself for this small victory.
The desire to get the job done as soon as possible becomes stronger when a prize awaits you at the end!
5. Put envy to good use
A feeling of envy is usually unhelpful, but it can become a source of motivation if approached correctly.
Look at your friends, acquaintances, colleagues. Have any of them recently shown diligence and made significant progress? Can’t you do that too? Then prove that you can do even better already today!
6. Gradually move towards the goal — from the simple to the complex
Perhaps the task set seems too ambitious and immense. Break it down into separate fragments and start with the simplest one.
Go forward purposefully and solve one little problem after another. At some point, you will notice that you have successfully completed the task and made your dream come true!